Monday, March 21, 2016


Nonsense in Hyperdrive

The Trump thing is becoming beyond ridiculous. If you disagree with him and think anyone should be able to come into the U.S. and use the country's tax-funded resources, by all means state your for someone else who thinks that, unlike virtually all other countries, anyone should be able to just waltz in and stay. If you believe that actively importing "refugees" from the center of a region with the most viscious terror threat, would be a good idea, by all means state your belief. Isis may (has stated they would and done so in Europe) infiltrate the refugee population but, hey, problem.

If you really believe that someone who favors sane immigration policy and caution regarding who is coming into a country overwhelmed with debt and internal problems, go for it. Keep screaming but, you've got to realize that beyond your narrow niche of angry pseudo-rebels with smart phones, most people think you sound ridiculous.

"Racist, fascist, Nazi, Hitler"... Oh no, keeping the borders secure, trying to make trade policy more fair, seeking to improve the economy, lower taxes...when will the horror end!

What blatent idiots.

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